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Reduce Melted Siding/Turf with 3M Window Film

Professional Window Tinting Services in Wilmington Delaware

New Construction - Melted Siding or Turf

Windows have the capacity to reflect a certain degree of heat, and when this reflected heat exceeds a specific threshold, it has the potential to cause harm to nearby plastic surfaces such as vinyl siding, composite decking, patio furniture, and plastic automobile trim. Landscaping elements like lawns, turf, and shrubs are also vulnerable to this damage.


The Department of Energy reports that approximately 80% of residential windows and 50% of commercial windows sold annually are equipped with a low-emissivity (Low-E) coating. While a Low-E coating enhances the energy efficiency of a window, it also increases the reflection of longwave infrared (IR) energy and shortwave ultraviolet (UV) light. It is this heightened IR and UV energy that poses a risk of damage to objects in close proximity to the windows.


Reduce Melting Sun Damage with 3M Exterior Prestige Tint

3M's Exterior Prestige Series Window Films work to diminish the transmission of the sun's incident energy through the glass pane by increasing reflection and absorption. The absorbed energy includes a portion of the sun's longwave infrared (IR) before reaching the Low-E coating, redirecting it back outside. Additionally, these window films reduce the intensity of concentrated energy reflected from the curvature of the window, though not entirely eliminating it.


While 3M's Exterior Prestige Window Films have proven effective in mitigating or preventing damage caused by Low-E windows and curved glass, the suitability of this solution depends on various factors, as outlined above. It's important to note that the complete elimination or reduction of damage is not guaranteed and contingent on the specifics of each unique situation.


Reduce Sun Reflectivity


Reduce HVAC Costs


Warrantied by 3M


Reduce Carbon Footprint


Invisible Installation

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Yes, We Tinted that too!

Since 1989 Shore Tint & More has been Providing High Quality Window Tint Installations in all of Lower Delaware. Contact us today!

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